Mauricio Murta
Computer Science Student
Based in Dublin
Interested in full stack development and cyber security.
My Skills
Expected to graduate in 2024. Throughout my degree, I have learned a lot about the design, development and maintenance of software.
My core skills are related to web development, objected-oriented programming and cyber security.
Web Development
Development of responsive database-backed websites.
Making use of modern frameworks and libraries.
Web tools I use
Next.js - React
Tailwind CSS
Firebase - MySql
Backend deveolpment aware of testing,
concurency, time complexity, OOP and optimization.
Programming tools I use
Java - Gradle
Cyber Security
In the top 2% of learning platform
Knowledge on pentesting, privesc and industry standards.
Security tools I use
Kali Linux
Burp Suite
My portfolio contains personal and university projects realated to web development.
They are all optimized to work either on small or large screens.